Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Live Client: The Big Crew Meeting

Over the past three weeks I have been running what I call 'A Massive Recruitment Campaign' for people to get involved in my project. So far I have had exceptional response from the first year Multimedia Students. They seem very enthusiastic and willing to gain experience, which is nice to see. I think this form of collaboration is the way forward, they get the experience and I get a helping hand, it is a win-win situation.

I have scheduled a pre-production meeting which is less technical and more of a 'prep-talk' before production begins. My aim is to increase enthusiasm between all the contributors and create a sense of passion for the film. I do not want them to think that they are working on my project but rather we are working on this project. Hopefully it will go well, I am quite nervous about it but also excited.

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