Tuesday, December 09, 2008

ISIS Application

ISIS is a programme being offered to Women Film Makers from the Documentary Filmmaker’s Group. I had made an application to this programme which included a proposal for a 5 minute short film on a Human Rights subject.

I had chosen the subject of a child’s right to freely chosen play opportunities as this was an area I had already looked into for my Live Client project. The proposal included outlining a summary of the film, the structure, style and scenes that would be included. Unfortunately I was not successful and was not short listed for an interview. However the application was a big learning curve and improved my application skills as well as my CV.

I had worked on my CV extensively to make it more subject-specific and to show my multimedia skills, experience and qualifications. This was difficult and I did not realise how irrelevant many sections in my CV were. Overall I really enjoyed the application process and I am sure it will help me develop my skills in the SPP3 module.

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