Thursday, January 04, 2007

Week 14: Lecture - Review of Acoustics

There are three main aspects of wave theory:

Wavelength (λ): The length in metres from the start to the end of one cycle of the wave form.
Formula: λ=V/ ƒ

Frequency (ƒ): The total number of cycles per second. The higher the frequency the higher the pitch.
Formula: ƒ=V/ λ

Velocity (V): The speed at which sound travels in air. (Known constant = 330msֿ¹ @ 0°C or 340msֿ¹ @ 20°C).
Formula: V= ƒλ

Most common waveform is the Sign wave, also known as a ‘pure tone’ because it has no harmonics or partials, it only has fundamentals.

Fundamental: The frequency that we hear the sound at.

Harmonic: An integer (numeral) part of the fundamental – whole number multiples of the fundamental.

Partial: Non-integer (non-numeral) multiple of the fundamental, more commonly found in real instruments.

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