Thursday, January 04, 2007

Week 15: Lecture - Dynamic Processors

An audio signal can be altered using a device called a dynamics processor. There are four common processors: The Compressor, The Limiter, The Expander and The Noise Gate. Each processor has the following main controls.

Attack: sets the time it takes for the device to kick in.

Release: sets the time it takes for the device to return to unity gain so the signal is no longer being processed.
Threshold: sets the level at which the signal will be processed. As soon as the signal exceeds the threshold the processor kicks in.
Ratio: sets the amount by which the signal will get reduced once it surpasses the threshold.
Input: How much of the signal is sent to the processor. (Usually set to 100%)
Output: How much of the processed signal is sent back out. (Usually set to 100%)
Hard Knee

As soon as the incoming signal goes beyond the threshold it is instantaneously controlled by the ratio.

Soft Knee
The incoming signal begins to get controlled a few dB’s before the set threshold value and slowly more and more of the signal is controlled until it reaches the set threshold.

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