Monday, May 18, 2009

PRP: Artefact 4 - The Evaluation

For my 4th artefact I worked on a Bollywood film production and carried out various tasks as part of my job role as Assistant Co-ordinator. This enabled me to explore the representation of women in an audiovisual working environment. As a work experience student I had the flexibility to experience different aspects of the film production, which allowed me to fulfil a range of roles.

Having worked on the set as well as the production office I was able to develop a better understanding of the role of the director. In addition to this, after a week into the placement I was given the opportunity to shadow a woman 2nd Assistant Director (AD) who has had over eight years experience working as an AD.

Through observations, working practice and conversations with crew members I discovered that in order to achieve a vision it is important for the director to have creative and technical awareness. Therefore confidence around technology is an influential factor in implementing ideas effectively on film.

I also found that my confidence increased after the 2nd AD joined the production. She acted as a role model or a mentor for me and enabled me to learn skills and techniques quickly. This related directly to my previous artefacts which have highlighted the need for women in the industry to set an example for women studying multimedia subjects.

I feel that the idea of a ‘mentor’ could effectively increase confidence with technology. The role of the director requires an authoritative approach in both technical and creative terms, which is a characteristic that can be built upon with the support of a role model.
I intend to explore the confidence of women with technology for my next artefact by doing technology based exercises or focus groups with current multimedia students.

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