Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Characterisation Exercise 1

Exercise Brief: 'Pick an object and invent a scenario based on emotion and intention. Then block out some action and camera shots.'

Object: Book
Scenario: Reading a book, it late at night. Have to finish the chapter for lesson tomorrow. Falling asleep and can’t stay awake.

Blocking Action & Camera Shots:

- Sitting down at a desk, the lamp is on and there are cups of coffee on the side next to a pile of books.
- Close Up of eyes
- Medium shot to show the desk and the character’s back
- Birds-eye shot of book (blur / out of focus shot to show character is falling asleep and can’t concentrate.)
- Birds-eye shot of character flicking through the pages of the book (emphasising the chapter is still not finished)
- Close up shot of clock (diegetic sound of clock ticking)
- Medium shot of character with eyes closed leaning on their hand
- Close up of character awake and with a shocked expression (its morning and the chapter is still not finished)

Action Verbs:

These are some action verbs that could have been used to describe the ‘actable moments’ to the actor:

- Calculate
- Weigh down
- Suffocate
- Engage
- Complain
- Pressure

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