Monday, April 20, 2009

Live Client: Shoot 7 - Adult Interviews & Shoot 8 - Post Parade

Compared to shoot 7 I was more prepared for the set up of this shoot. In addition to this I was more familiar and aware of the location and the people that I would be interviewing. I found that having experienced a similar set up for the children's interviews, my crew was able to set up at the Playwork's office efficiently. I had learned the fundamentals of lighting and was able to adjust the positioning to suit the location.

Lighting - Photograph by Tom Edson

I feel that that this shoot ran far better in terms of schedule, technicality and creativity. As I was more prepared I could achieve the look that I required and I could also capture answers that were crucial for the story of my documentary. The room that I had selected to conduct the interviews was larger than the room in the school and we had further flexibility with adjusting the natural light from the windows. This had an overall effect on the technical quality of the shot.

As well as filming the interviews I had integrated shoot 8 into the same day as it involved the same location. Although this was a drastic change to the schedule it proved to be beneficial as it saved time in hiring out equipment for another day, gathering crew and spending money on transport. I found that I had developed a directing style, and although the production falls within the genre of documentary I was able to direct the characters (staff of Playworks) to achieve particular shots that were crucial for the ending of the film. In order to avoid a re-shoot it was very important to capture the required footage.

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