Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hive Creative Business Programme: Communication Workshop

I attended the 3rd Hive Creative Business Programme workshop today. The theme was communication and we had discussions and participated in activities related to this subject. We had a guest speaker (Mark Denermare) who described the perfect pitch as:

"an appropriate, concise, evocative and authentic piece of communication"

The delivery was targeted to make us think about communication in Creative Business aspects, however I felt that this clearly and directly linked to the film and documentary film industry. Communication is essential in all parts of the Multimedia Industry. I am acknowledging the importance of it even more as I work with my Live Client.

A pitch should be memorable and you should be able to make a good first impression. Your communication should espouse your values and the values of what you are selling. Your voice must resonate and you must get into tune with your audience in order to effectively communicate to them or even with them. The pitch must be appropriate, as there are different formats for different audiences.

According to a survey carried out in the 1970's at the University of Pennsylvania USA by Dr Ray Birdwhistle communication is divided up into the following sections:

7% = words
38 % = confidence in your voice
55% = physiology - body language

The session ended with an activity that involved creating a brainstorm about myself - what I believe in, what my skills are, how I describe myself. With this we each tried to write a 40 word personal statement. This is what I came up with in the 5 minute time limit:

An effective communicator and a lover of people and places. Combined travel and industry experience to develop skills in detailed organisation. Culturally aware with a positive and collaborative approach to creative challenges. A responsible and professional working attitude with enthusiasm for learning new things.

It is still in the process and I think it still needs improving. Overall I thought the session was very motivational and will definitely help me in my projects.

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